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当館自慢の桃山風呂の自由撮影時間をご用意しております。 お客様から、 「風情のある桃山風呂の画像を残したい」 「自撮りしてSNSに投稿したい」 「入浴時間に撮影できないのは残念」 からのご意見を反映したものです。 つい先日始めたばかりですが、とても好評で毎日10〜20名様が撮影にいらっしゃいます。お客様同士、撮影を楽しんでいらっしゃいます。  桃山風呂自由撮影 9:45〜10:00 We offer free time to take pictures of our signature Momoyama Baths. We have received many comments from our guests. "I want to leave a picture of the elegant Momoyama Baths. "I want to take a selfie and post it on SNS. "It's a pity.I can't take pictures during bathing hours. We have reflected the feedback from our customers. We just started this service a few days ago, and it has been very well received, with 10 to 20 people taking pictures every day. The customers are enjoying taking pictures with each other.   Free photo shooting at Momoyama    Bath from 9:45 to 10:00.

 桃山風呂自由撮影 9:45〜10:00
We offer free time to take pictures of our signature Momoyama Baths.
We have received many comments from our guests.
“I want to leave a picture of the elegant Momoyama Baths.
“I want to take a selfie and post it on SNS.
“It’s a pity.I can’t take pictures during bathing hours.
We have reflected the feedback from our customers.
We just started this service a few days ago, and it has been very well received, with 10 to 20 people taking pictures every day. The customers are enjoying taking pictures with each other.
Free photo shooting at Momoyama Bath from 9:45 to 10:00.

44CAEFF0-D0EF-461C-9415-165F0CEED571 F6F09765-76A0-4A7A-BD8C-7D96BD950FDA
